Thursday, September 21, 2023

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

The activity was to create a story using a series of 15 shots with certain types to illustrate an idea and develop a tone. 10 of these shot types were given to us, but we had the freedom to use any other 5 to develop our story. 

Working with my friend, we decided to use our backpacks as our characters, making up a fictional teen love story between them. We went around school and used our environment to create our story, using the lighting from the sun, the background and even structures to support the events we were describing. We used the require shot types and angles to convey relationship, emotions and to personify the backpacks. To complete the story we edited the shots with certain coloring and filters to explain the current feelings the shot was supposed to show.

Some things we did well were our shot decisions, what shot types to use for certain parts of the story and what angles to use to convey any certain emotions. We used the required shot types in ways that they would contribute to the story and be coherent with the whole purpose of the project. We were efficient while working and developed the story side to side with deciding for our shot types and angles. We could've been more original with our story, use better editing and developed more meaning through our characters.

 Hello! I'm Martin,

This blog is for AICE Media Studies to record background information and content about the exciting projects I'll be working on for the class! Possibly sharing meaning, behind the scenes and the content itself. I am eager to work in this class with as much enthusiasm as possible!

  Hello! I'm Martin, This blog is for AICE Media Studies to record background information and content about the exciting projects I...